Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Due to the mild, wet winter, it looks like in the coming months we could be inundated with the horrible biting insects, native to North Cyprus. The only thing I actually dislike about the spring and summers here are the mosquitoes and sandflies. And no matter what we do, the little buzzers will always sneak up on us for a quiet munch.
Someone told me once that mosquitoes are actually attracted to blood type, so some people are naturally more susceptible to getting bitten than others. And that would make sense because they seem to love snacking on me, whereas my husband hardly gets bitten at all.
In Australia, fishermen plagued by sandflies actually use a Dettol/water mix to prevent sandfly bites. I even resorted to this one – although it doesn’t smell particularly attractive. The good news is that there’s a wide range of insect repellents available in the chemists. Some people swear by Jungle Formula, Avon Skin So Soft (blue bottle), and Deet. Anti-histamine injections are also available. But if you’re looking for a more natural way to combat bites, try some of these:

Natural tips to prevent bites
Take a vitamin B complex supplement
Eat Marmite daily (it contains vitamin B1 – Thiamin)
Take garlic tablets
Use citronella oil/candles
Use lavender oil on skin
Light mosquito coils
Plant pots of basil around patios and entrances to deter biting insects

Natural remedies for bite relief
Apply an astringent like white vinegar or Witch Hazel to bites
Lavender oil stops itching and reduces swelling
Homeopathy remedy Apis Mallifica 30x reduces inflammation, pain, and stinging
Aloe gel reduces inflammation
Tea Tree cream/oil is an antiseptic
Rub banana peel on bites to relieve itching

Article supplied by Sibelle Hodge