To All Thalassa Owners
As hand over becomes imminent we would like to draw your attention to a forum that was created for owners to communicate.
We have 170 members currently and the forum has kept them informed during the highs and lows of the construction. We hope it will be a focal point going forward and as such we would like to call on all owners to join.
The web address is – there you will find many topics of interest from travel tips, fitting out your apartment, who owns which unit, photos and more. We hope you will join as soon as possible.
A group of these forum members/owners are currently discussing the formation of an “Owners Committee” to act as a central reference point for communication by the owners to the Management Company and or the Developers. We hope to have details of the Management Company soon but in advance we would like to open up the opportunity to join the Committee to all purchasers.
If you are interested please register on the forum and make your feelings known in the forum heading “Committee”.