Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Global Warming: Time to adapt to a desert climate. (Cyprus Mail 4/12/2008)

'Cyprus has to prepare for more extreme heat and less rain' reads the front page headline in last weeks edition of the Cyprus Mail. The director of the energy, environment and water research centre says that the ratio of water being used versus water available gives Cyprus the biggest water problem in the EU.

Thankfully, Kensington Development Group is ahead of the game, being the only developer that is installing desalination plants on its sites. Turtle Bay Village is already reaping the benefit, with 7 swimming pools and lush landscaped gardens with flowers, shrubs, trees and grass.

Thalassa Beach Resort will benefit from its own desalination plant, ensuring that whenever a tap is turned on, water will flow. Something that is often taken for granted in this developed world, which could soon become reality with the continuation of global warming.