Title Deeds
Q: Are the title deeds for Turtle Bay available yet?
A: Savyon Village has submitted all the necessary paperwork, permits and payments, now the title deeds are currently with the District Lands Office in the process of parcelisation. Once they notify us of a date when the individual deeds will be available for transfer we will in turn contact all customers.
Q: Do all apartments at Turtle Bay Village have to be sold before the deeds can be transferred?
A: No, as soon as the deeds are available we will begin transferring them to individual owners.
ResCo Management Limited
Q: Is ResCo wholly owned by the Residents of Turtle Bay Village?
A: Yes
Q: Why has Sharon Management now changed to ResCo Management Ltd?
A: Operating as ResCo will provide greater transparency to owners, will enable owners to take a more active role in decision making through the Residents Committee as well as enable a reduction of some VAT payments.
Q: What is the allocation of shares of ResCo?
A: Currently, ResCo shares are held in trust jointly by Savyon Village & Hasip Izzetli, (TRNC Company regulations require 2 share holders, Mr Izzetli has taken on this role on a temporary basis and as a favour to the company) Both Savyon Village & Hasip Izzetli consider themselves temporary trustees on behalf of the Residents. Once all apartments at TBV have been sold the Residents will appoint two trustees on their behalf. In order that ResCo be fully owned by the Residents this is the only technical way by which it can be done. In the meantime Residents can still act as share holders.
Q: Has an Annual General Meeting been held?
A: No, this is up to the Residents and the Residents Committee to organise.
Q: Are the Management Company accounts available for all Residents to see?
A: All accounts are presented to the Residents Committee, who in turn summarise them to the Residents. In July 2008 the Committee published a committee update and included a summary of accounts. Please contact your committee for this update.
Q: Are the allegations of missing money valid?
A: No, during 2007 & 2008 the maintenance fees paid to Sharon Management were not sufficient and as a result some of the Maintenance Deposit fees were used. Savyon Village have now subsidised and injected £150,000 GBP into ResCo and all deposits have been replaced.
Q: Are the maintenance deposits held in a separate account?
A: The maintenance deposits are held in a separate account and any interest accrued will remain in that account. 40% of the deposit will be held until such time that the owner wishes to sell their property and at that time the 40% plus interest will be returned.
Q: How much of my deposit will I get back?
A: One year from the payment of the deposit owners will receive 30% of the deposit back; one year after those owners will receive a further 30% of the deposit back. The remaining 40% will be retained as security. Owners have already started receiving the first 30% of their deposits back; deposits will be paid back subject to owner maintenance accounts being up to date.
Q: Does the Maintenance side of ResCo have separate accounts to the Management side?
A: With reference to additional services provided by ResCo Management, should Residents use such services as apartment cleaning, management packages etc they will be charged separately, however all profit earned from these additional services will go back into the maintenance pot so to speak, which in turn will benefit all residents. It has been estimated that if 300 apartment owners at Turtle Bay Village each used one of ResCo’s property management packages this would in turn reduce the maintenance fee by £20 - £30 per month.
Q: I am being asked to pay an additional amount for building insurance on top of my maintenance fee.
A: Insurance for May 2008 – July 2009 was not included in the monthly maintenance fee this was charged separately.
Q: Can I see a copy of the insurance policy?
A: Yes it is available from the ResCo Management office or you can contact Steve Dickenson who is the insurer as well as on the Residents Committee.
Q: I don’t receive any correspondence from ResCo.
A: Not all correspondence comes directly from ResCo, some communication is provided to the committee for them to distribute. Please ensure that ResCo has your correct details and find out from the committee how information is distributed in order to ensure that you are being informed.
Landscaping and Gardens
Q: Why are some areas of grass patchy?
A: As grass seed was sown, it requires water and sun to help it grow. At the moment, we are currently in winter so we will wait until the weather becomes warmer to assess the situation.
Q: Are the plants that have died going to be re-planted? When and who will monitor that this takes place?
A: Yes. In the contract with the landscaping company, it states that they will in the first instance replace any plants that have died.
Q: Will gravel be laid on the outdoor gym area?
A: The area has been seeded with grass seed – once the weather has warmed up and the grass has had a chance to grow, we will review the situation.
Q: Lighting – lighting must be on around pool and apartment areas as it is inadequate at present – why are lights are switched off at midnight?
A: It was very costly to run the small path lights as we were connected to temporary electricity pending our final approval from Kibtek – this is why some of the lights were switched off at midnight. However, the Belediye will be switching on the large street lights soon(these will be on all night) and we will then assess the areas that require more lighting.
Q: Bins – how often and how are the bins collected? Is it the Belediye or do Resco
collect them and take them up to the main entrance?
A: The Belediye should empty the bins once a week during the winter and twice a week during the summer. If bins become full, Resco remove them and place them at the entrance to the site, ready for collection.
Q: Can bins be provided for the tennis and basket ball court areas?
A: These have now been supplied and are in place.
Q: Rubbish around the beach area – can we ask the Belediye to clear the area as it is unsightly? Rubbish around the restaurant area?
A: KDG have asked the Mayor of Esentepe to arrange the clearing of rubbish around the beach area. The area around the restaurant is currently being cleared.
Q: Rubbish in front of blocks 21-45 – can it be cleared?
A: This is currently being cleared.
Q: Beach area – what are we actually going to do to it?
A: The beach area will be cleaned and large boulders and rocks will be removed. Suitable furniture will also be placed there in time for the summer season.
Q: Irrigation pipe work – will this be covered?
A: No, as the boxes that cover them are unsightly. As the trees and plants continue to grow, these should become less apparent.
Q: Whose responsibility is it to do the weeding – landscaping company or Resco team?
A: Whilst the landscapers are still on site, it is their responsibility. Once all landscaping has been completed, this will be handed over to Resco.
Q: Can we provide more steps from the pier into the sea?
A: Yes, these will be provided.
Q: Can we have a proper tiled path from the road to the outdoor gym?
A: This is currently being examined and will be done.
Desalination plant & Water
Q: What was the cost of the desalination plant?
A: The total cost of the plant was £700K which was paid for in full by Savyon Village. ResCo members then contributed 65% of this cost. (This excludes the cost of the land it was built on). The land and access to the sea was “gifted” by the Mayor of Esentepe.
Q: Who owns the desalination plant?
A: The Plant is owned by The Municipality. The pipe work and infrastructure leading to and coming from the plant is the property of the municipality and as such they own and operate this.
Q: I paid towards the desalination plant, why do I not own part of it?
A: Each Resident paid a contribution towards the cost of the plant; in return the Plant will supply Residents with water at cost price. It was never intended that Residents would own the plant; you have bought into a secure water supply.
Q: When purchasing I was under the impression that the desalination plant would be a private plant to provide water for the Turtle Bay Site only, how and why has this now changed?
A: In order to operate the desalination plant we had to build it on the beach, as with all beaches in the TRNC the beach is owned by the Government. The Esentepe Municipality “gifted” the land to Savyon Village as well as granted access to the sea. In exchange for the land and permissions Savyon Village entered into a joint venture with the Municipality allowing them to sell any surplus water as long as the Residents of Turtle Bay were supplied water at cost.
Q: Why was the plant built on land not owned by us?
A: The only feasible place to build the Plant was as close to the sea as possible, this meant building it on the beach. As beaches in the TRNC are owned by the Government it was not possible to purchase the land on which we needed to build.
Q: Why has the plant been taken over by Esentepe Belediye?
A: It was agreed that in exchange for the land and access to the sea the Municipality would manage the plant. The pipe work and infrastructure leading to and coming from the plant is the property of the municipality and as such they own and operate this.
Q: What assurances do residents have that they will continue to be supplied water at cost price?
A: A letter of intent has been agreed with the Municipality and Savyon ensuring that Kensington Development Group projects in Esentepe are supplied first and only then to other projects.
Q: The contract states that the maintenance of the plant would be carried out by Resco.
A: The maintenance of the plant will now be carried out by the Municipality. ResCo may appoint a suitably qualified firm on it’s behalf to carry out its obligations.
Q: Who is responsible for its maintenance?
A: The Municipality
Q: Are there suitably qualified personnel from the Municipality that is able to service and repair the plant?
A: Suitable training has been given to Municipality workers by Savyon Village engineers as well as from the company that installed the plant. Support is available to the Municipality not only from the installing company but also from Southern Cyprus as there is a plant built by the same company there.
Q: What is the out put from the plant?
A: The plant currently produces 600 tonnes of water per day.
Q: Is the Plant supplying water to other sites?
A: If there is sufficient supply and as along as Turtle Bay Village is supplied first the Municipality may sell water to other non – KDG developments.
Q: If water is being sold to other developments are Residents owed money from the profits?
A: Residents are not owed profit from the sale of water to other non – KDG developments as they do not own the plant.
Q: Will there be water trucks coming in and out of the Development to and from the Desalination Plant?
A: There are holding tanks at the entrance to Turtle Bay where tankers can fill from, there is no need for tankers to go down to the plant itself.
Q: What payments should I have made in relation to water so far?
A: Purchasers are required to make the following payments:
Contribution to the desalination plant payable on possession.
Cost of the water meter payable on possession.
£200 connection fee – payable to the municipality.
Water usage from possession to the 31/07/2008 payable to ResCo Management.
Water charges from 1st of August to date at the minimum 30TL per month, payable to the Esentepe Municipality.
Q: Why do I have a water meter if it is not being used?
A: Meters are being used, the Municipality have begun reading meters should Residents use more than 10 tonnes per month they will be billed accordingly.
Q: What is the £200 charge for?
A: The £200 is a connection fee to the water supply, payable to the Esentepe Municipality. All Municipalities require a connection fee for example Çatalköy Municipality currently charge 1,548TL for the meter and connection.
Q: What does the 30TL per month include?
A: The 30TL monthly charge is the minimum amount required to operate the plant regardless of consumption. Please note that each apartment will be supplied up to 10 tons of water per month at no additional cost.
Q: When does the Municipality start charging the 30TL per month?
A: 1st of August 2008.
Q: Do I have to pay the monthly charge even if I am not using the property?
A: Yes, the 30TL charge is the minimum charge per month.
Q: How will we receive the bill?
A: The Municipality will issue bills to your apartment, if you are not receiving bills please visit their office in the village of Esentepe.
Q: Where should we pay the bill?
A: Bills should be paid at the Esentepe Municipality office.
Q: Can we pay by direct debit?
A: No, it is not possible to pay by direct debit however you can pay in advance for the months that you won’t be there.
Q: Will we be charged interest on late payments?
A: Yes, please check with the Municipality regarding late charges.
Q: If the plant fails who is responsible to get it up and running again?
A: The Esentepe Municipality is responsible.
Q: If the plant fails is there a provision of getting water to the site? And at what cost?
A: If the plant should fail, there is a holding tank which can hold up to 400 tonnes of water at one time.
Q: Is it possible to disguise the desalination plant or make it look better?
A: If the Municipality wish to do this it is up to them.
Q: Does the Municipality contribute to the insurance of the desalination plant?
A: No.
Other Municipality Questions
Q: What is the 90TL charge from the Municipality and when do I have to pay this?
A: The 90TL is charged annually for council services it includes the following:
30TL for Street lighting per year
30TL for Rubbish collection per year
30TL for the spraying of insecticides per year.
Payment should have been made in November 2008.
Q: Will the road down to the beach be finished?
A: As the road is owned by the Municipality it is up to them if they wish to improve this road.