The first elected committee representing TBV owners took office in September 2008.
- Continuous improvement of the site and facilities;
- Continuous improvement in the quality of service received from the Management Company;
- Value for money for all owners.
- The dissemination of information to owners regarding future developments in relation to site and financial matters;
- Ensuring that the use of owner's deposit account and maintenance fees is transparent and available for audit annually; and
- That the Management Company and Developer are held to account for any promises made in brochures, advertising etc
The committee comprises:
Bob Strawford - Chairman email:
Bev Brindle - Secretary email:
Gareth Andrews - Site and Services email:
Margaret Warbrick - Site and Services email:
Mick Collins - Finance email:
Mike King - Finance email:
All owners are encouraged to join and participate in the TBV Owners' Forum, a private 'chat-room' exclusive to TBV owners where owners can share their thoughts, concerns and any information they feel would be of benefit to other owners. For access to this forum please contact Bev Brindle, contact details as above.
Please could anyone new to the site who would like to be included on the committees emailing list also contact Bev Brindle.
Your attention is also drawn to a TBV Owners Questionnaire. This is exclusive to TBV owners and can be accessed via the following link: